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This research seeks to unveil the profound linguistic structure and divine intelligence embedded within biblical Hebrew, demonstrating its foundational role in human language and its direct connection to the original words granted by G-d to Adam and Eve.

  1. To uncover and demonstrate the methods by which G-d created the foundational words of the Hebrew language, which He bestowed upon Adam and Eve at the moment of their creation. To prove that many biblical Hebrew three-letter roots were formed through the metaphysical addition of a third letter to a two-letter inner base, a structure that was itself divinely crafted through a special bonding of letters—wherein the new base’s meaning is not merely a sum of its individual components.

  2. To show that G-d shaped the ancestral versions of modern European languages, including English, by metaphysically modifying or condensing biblical Hebrew words during the Tower of Babel event described in Genesis 11:1–9. Additionally, to demonstrate that some linguistic ancestors emerged through the transposition or permutation of Hebrew root letters in that same event. This challenges the prevailing academic belief that biblical Hebrew is unrelated to European languages.

  3. To affirm that Adam and Eve were endowed with Hebrew as their original language at creation. To reveal hidden insights into biblical dyes such as tekhelet and argaman, as well as the Eisav-linked ancestor of Rome’s founder. To explain the biblical and English naming of various trees, animals, and body parts, and to highlight the prophetic nature of certain biblical names.

  4. To provide compelling new arguments for Jewish outreach (kiruv) and expose the depth and divine wisdom embedded in biblical Hebrew, demonstrating that only a supreme intelligence—G-d—could have formulated such a language. To reveal the conceptual metaphysical relationships between specific Hebrew letters and validate the historicity of the Tower of Babel account.

  5. To introduce previously unknown insights into Torah anomalies, which can only be recognized through the principles of Hebrew word bases that I have discovered. To deepen our ability to uncover hidden meanings within the Torah and to explain why some Hebrew roots appear to carry unrelated or even opposite meanings. These and other revelations will become clearer in forthcoming entries on this website, G-d willing.

Hebrew Writings

Abraham Sidney Shajnfeld

Author and Hebrew Language Philologist

Avraham Simcha (Sidney) Shajnfeld was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1948 to Jewish Holocaust survivors from Poland. His family emigrated to the U.S. the following year, where he grew up speaking English and Yiddish while also being exposed to Polish. Educated at Yeshiva R.M. Soloveichik and later at Yeshiva University High School in NYC, he pursued Hebrew and secular studies before attending Yeshiva College. Over 14 years, he studied Hebrew intensively and took courses in Spanish, German, Talmudic Aramaic, and Biblical Chaldean. He spent 35 years in the NYC import-export garment industry, interacting daily with people from diverse linguistic backgrounds, which deepened his exposure to Italian, Russian, French, Farsi, and Dutch. His passion for languages led him to self-study linguistics, phonetics, and etymology through scholarly works by figures such as Rabbi David Kimchi, Wilhelm Gesenius, and Ernest Klein.


Since retiring, Mr. Shajnfeld has dedicated his time to researching biblical Hebrew roots and their connections to world languages, particularly European, Semitic, and Sanskrit. His studies focus on the theory that many global lexemes originate from early biblical Hebrew, an idea previously suggested by scholars like Étienne Guichard. Through his research, he has also explored the metaphysical formation of Hebrew roots and their conceptual relationships. He has lectured on biblical exegesis, philology, and Talmudic literary style at synagogues, adult education programs, and rabbinical seminars. A devoted Orthodox Jew and member of two synagogues in Queens, N.Y., he holds traditional beliefs about creation and the origins of humanity. His presentations and writings, while deeply rooted in logic and linguistic analysis, introduce original insights that have been described as both fascinating and thought-provoking.

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